So this is my last Thursday of maternity leave before going back to work on Monday! SO depressing... What I would do to stay home with little Lake man! I think knowing that Blaze will be with him all week next week will make it easier for me to get adjusted to going back to work and leaving him though! And THANKFULLY we only have 8 weeks until summer break! Woohoo! Then I get another (almost) three months off with him! I still can't believe he is 3 months old! I will say that maternity leave went by WAY too fast!! :( I have definitely enjoyed every minute of it... even the tough days! Lake and I have especially been enjoying this week together.. I'm hoping he does well when I go back considering we have been together for 3 straight months, every single day together!! Monday will definitely be tough on me! :(
While we have had to put our adoption plans on hold, we have loved every day with Lake so far! :) A lot of people have asked us if we are still wanting to adopt now that we have Lake. Lake was never a factor of IF we were going to adopt or not, but more of WHEN we would adopt. Our agency has a policy about adopting when you're pregnant. They want us to wait until Lake is one year old to adopt but we can start all of the paperwork (which we already have done) when Lake is 9 months old. So to answer a lot of people's questions, YES we are still planning on adopting and we are going to start our home study and paperwork back up in August! So we are hoping (fingers crossed) that Lake will have a brother around this time next year!
We are going to enjoy our last free weekend together before I have to go back to work! The weather is supposed to be nice so hopefully that won't change! Lake gets to go to his first bridal shower this weekend for Auntie Lauren!!