Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Friday

one // Blaze is out of town all weekend so I am hoping to do crafty things around the house this weekend until he gets home!!

two // I have been looking up different ideas for honeymoon trips and I have a lot of neat ideas. I can't narrow it down to just a couple places yet because they all seems so fun! I am really interested in going to Europe because people keep telling me you are only young with no kids for so long!! :)

three // I have a guilty pleasure that my family has given me crap for my whole life, and that is that I love to watch Jerry Springer.. I'm not too sure why. I think it is so funny and I'm sure that it is all staged but it is so funny!! The one this morning that I am watching is called.. "Im gay but please have my baby".. this stuff is just too good to NOT watch hahah 

four // We decided to name our cat Chloe instead of Izzy which is what she was named when we picked her up.. and let me tell you, she is crazy. I bought her a collar yesterday with a bell on it so we can keep up with her and this is what she did for about an hour...

five // I really want someone to leave me a comment on one of my posts!! All of these people read it but never comment.. I know I'm new to this blogging thing but show me some feedback people! :) jk you dont have to!

Have a great weekend


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