So it's my favorite day of the week again!! I think it is secretly because of that camel/hump day commercial.
I was looking at my countdown app today and saw that there are less than 30 days until my two best friends come visit me!! I am SUPER excited.. it has been WAY too long since I have seen either of them and we have so much to catch up on!! And I just miss being crazy with those two!! I'm not sure what we are going to do yet but I know going to New Orleans is definitely on the menu! Blaze will also be gone that weekend so it will be the ultimate girls weekend! (Even though I'm secretly jealous of Blaze because he just so happens to be recruiting in Dallas that weekend!)
The second thing on my countdown app is 48 days until we go back to Texas for Thanksgiving weekend!! I am beyond excited!! Food, family, friends, football, shopping.. anything else that needs to be mentioned?? Hopefully a little wedding planning.. crossing my fingers! Thanksgiving is definitely my second favorite holiday (behind Christmas) and Blaze LOVES Thanksgiving.. so just thinking about all of the food and people we are going to visit/see that weekend is fun to look forward to! I am just excited to have our first Thanksgiving as an engaged couple with our families! It will be fun! I was telling him the other day that I need to start looking at fun recipes because we now have to bring a dish to all of the different Thanksgivings we go to. I will say that with the holidays right around the corner, I need to step up my workout game because of all the eating that is going to take place..
I think I am going to find some different recipes and try them out and let you guys know how it turned out within the next couple weeks! Give yall something exciting to read.. because I know everyone LOVES food! :)
Well hope yall all had a G-R-E-A-T Wednesday!!
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