one// Blaze will be gone this weekend.. he hasn't left for a whole weekend in awhile. I will definitely miss him but I know he's going to make money this weekend so it's alright!! See you Sunday love!!
two// The weather here in southern Louisiana is definitely unpredictable!! Two days ago, it was 83 degrees, humid & rainy.. typical day down here. Yesterday it was chilly all day and then today, I went outside this morning and it was super cold! I love the cold but I hate the weather bouncing around like this. It is only a matter of time before I get a sinus infection!
three// We have only 18 more days until Thanksgiving break!! I love the holidays. This year will be super special because I wont have seen my family in over 3 months. Even though it will be super busy for us that
weekend, I am excited to see both mine and Blaze's family! Oh yeah.. and eating a ton, shopping a ton.. and Christmas decorations!
four// So I love Christmas time and decorating and baking and everything else that comes along with Christmas. I am super excited about having Blaze and my first Christmas together in our house down here. Blaze isn't much of a decorator from what he says, but hopefully I can get him in the spirit! Every time we are in the store, all I want to do is buy decorations and lights!! Super excited to almost be able to start decorating!
five// This weekend will be full of girl time, wine and wedding planning!! Courtney and Lauren will be here and we can finally start planning minor wedding stuff. I am super excited because I haven't seen these two since July!! Crazy!
Ya'll have a fun and safe weekend wherever you may be!
love this song even though it's kind of sad!!
Hope you have a great wedding filled weekend!