Is it Friday yet?? No I didn't think so... This week has gone pretty fast though thankfully!! This weekend will be full of cleaning and unpacking from our two week trip home for Christmas. All of my stuff is still in suitcases and bags!!
Well on a better note, I was thinking about wedding cake stands/tables and how to make it look prettier than just putting a cake on a table. Well once again, I went to pinterest and found some super cute, rustic pictures!! I love the triangle banners!! The crate boxes are super pretty to me.. not where can I find some is the question?? What to yall think? We are doing cupcakes instead of an actual cake. There will be a single tier cake though for us to cut into and everything! Blaze will have a regular grooms cake too--should be pretty neat looking from what he tells me!!
(click to enlarge)
Hope yall have a great Thursday!!
Well, these are really very nice stuff for any wedding attracting anyone very easily. There are several aspects of making any wedding special and unique and such elements are also helpful in this. Wedding cards are also important part of any wedding and these must also be prepared or brought carefully. With online availability of so many providers it is very easy to buy wedding cards online these days. One of the sources to buy wedding stationary can be found at