Its been OVER SIX MONTHS since I have posted last. I am finally bringing it back!! Woohoo!
A TON has changed over the past six months as well, it's crazy!
For starters, I'M PREGNANT! (Shocker for those who don't know)
I will be 23 weeks this Friday and couldn't be more excited.
Blaze and I were in the middle of our adoption and found out in May! So now our adoption had to be put on hold for a year (per the adoption agency's requirement). We are so excited that God has given us this gift! Little baby Lake is due January 22!

Another change is that I am back teaching high school again! Thank goodness because middle school is a beat down! I praise those women who A) actually like it & B) who have taught it for 10+ years. It's true when they say it's harder to go down in age & easier to go up in age for sure.
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