Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Five

One// we bought a new car yesterday!! I'm super excited because have been looking forever it seems like!! It was just too good of a deal to pass up so we went over there and got it!! 2013 GMC Terrain!! It is our first big purchase together!! 

Two// we are finally headed back to Texas tomorrow morning for TWO WEEKS!! So much to look forward to! Blaze and I are super excited. He gets the whole two weeks off, while I will be working on and off at our Dallas office... So any of my ladies that want to get happy hour, let me know because I miss it!!

Three// Christmas is in FIVE days! It still doesn't feel like it to me but it will be really fun to be with family and friends for two weeks! 

Four// We stopped at petsmart on the way home last night and picked up a christmas tshirt for our cat-- I know, it sounds crazy, but she is actually super cute and can pull it off!! We can never find anything big enough for the dogs but they always have extra small clothes so we thought why not?!

Five// After all of this Duck Dynasty stuff in the media, it is awesome to see so many people around the country supporting the Robertson family and Phil's comments. It's great to see that there are still people out there who believe in family and God and just believe in what the Bible teaches instead of what our society is slowly turning into!!

Hope yall all have a great weekend!! Be safe!


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My respect for the Robertson family

I love the Duck Dynasty family. I think they are awesome in both their show and daily life. Their story is an awesome one if you haven't heard it before. They have done the 'I Am Second' campaign that Blaze and I watched online one day. That family is all about God and living their life for Him. They truly are role models for living a christian lifestyle. 

Well I read an article today that was on the front yahoo page about how they are 'under fire' because of comments that Phil Robertson made during an interview to GQ magazine. Everyone that has watched their show knows they stick to their beliefs and won't stray away from them. They stand up for what they believe in and I am glad that someone out there isn't afraid to. During his interview, he made a comment saying that when everything is blurred on what's right and what's wrong, sin becomes fine. Well he expanded on that (I'm assuming they asked what he meant further) and he brought up homosexual behaviors, adulterers, prostitutes, etc. but he went further into homosexuality quoting a powerful Bible verse that covers that topic and gave his own opinion. Well now the GLAAD attacked in full force back stating that Phil Robertson is pushing 'extreme stereotypes' on A&E and his sponsors and that he has disrespect for the gays.

First off, lets just think about this for a second. Not too long ago, I remember reading about how people wanted A&E to take Duck Dynasty off air unless they were willing to stop talking about their faith and God, which the Robertson family said they will not stop talking about those two things because that is who they are. Well they are still on air. Secondly, since when is it not okay for someone to give their own personal opinion on a topic? I know that is a touchy topic because people get so offended, but he was asked a question in an interview and just responded with his personal feelings. Why is he the bad guy? Because a part of our society is sensitive? Just because someone doesn't agree with you it's not okay to say anything now? You should be proud of him, that in a society that has turned into what it currently is, that he has the courage to stand up for what he does believe in so passionately. The thing that I don't understand about some discriminated groups of people, is that over the years people fought for equality and the right to not be discriminated against. When the equality is won that was fought for, they now discriminate against those who don't agree with their beliefs? It just doesn't makes sense, you can't force your ways on everyone. There are still people who don't agree with blacks being equal, there are still people who think woman belong in the home and shouldn't be allowed to go to college or work in the same profession as men, (I personally believe those are way more important issues that we should be worried about) people are going to believe whatever they choose whether you believe in the same thing or not... why can't we all just let others have their opinion and that's it? Just take your beliefs and stick to them.. Don't get offended when/if people don't agree with you, that's what makes this country awesome--that we can all have our own thoughts and beliefs. 

Sorry if you don't agree with what I'm writing, but once again, the great thing about America is that I can express my own opinions and I full back the Robertson's beliefs because that's exactly how I was raised. I don't and won't ever judge anyone on the relationship decisions that they make in their personal lives. That's not my place, that's His place. I'm just living my life based on the faith that the Bible is correct and that I should live my life the way it tells in it--which is what Mr. Robertson quoted. And now as a fellow Louisianan, I will be the few, according to the GLAAD, that doesn't agree with homosexuality-- if you don't like, I'm not sorry. But I would still love you and treat you with respect-'love the sinner hate the sin' is what I always tell myself. 

I just wish there were more influential figures that would express their true beliefs and feelings like the Robertson family does. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


So we have 8 days until Christmas!! It sure doesn’t feel like Christmas is right around the corner!! I’m not sure if it is because I’m not around my parents, or because this year has gone so so fast!! I can’t believe it is almost 2014!! I was thinking about this past year last night and if you guys only knew how much my life has changed in the past year… it’s amazing!! I am so happy with how things are in my life right now!! I had my finished my first year of big girl work, teaching, I got engaged to my best friend, moved to Louisiana, finally got to travel out of the country, & I could go on!!  I am excited for 2014... I’ll be turning 24, getting married, still iffy about babies, and who knows what else is in store for us! But I do know that if 2014 is anything like 2013, it will be a great year!! (And yes, I had plenty of bad times but I don’t like to remember those haha)

We are headed back to Texas this Saturday or Sunday for two weeks! I have to work some but Blaze gets a two week break!! JEALOUS! Our two weeks is going to be pretty eventful as of now!! Christmas Eve, Christmas, Bridesmaid Dress Shopping, Hunting, NYE, and more... it will be fun to see everyone and be able to relax (compared to Thanksgiving). We will be driving my car with two big dogs, one cat, enough stuff for 2 weeks and Christmas presents… it will be interesting seeing how we get everything situated in the truck/backseat! But hopefully we will be driving a suv back to Louisiana after the New Year!!

Hope yall have a great Tuesday!! 3 more days until Friday!!


Thursday, December 12, 2013

TV Shows

So I read this morning that the new bachelor picks Nikki Ferrell and doesn’t propose! Look at that, I just saved you four long & painful months of watching that show :) I just want to say that I really dislike that show and the bachelorette. When you take a step back and really think about the show, the only thing that is probably real, is the drama. They film that show over about a month’s time span… how can ANYONE really fall ‘in love’ with a guy/girl over a month? A month that this guy who you ‘are in love with’ is making out and hooking up with 25 other girls. I don’t understand how that show ever got started. I think I read that out of the many many seasons they have had, there are like 3 couples who have actually got married. One of them, he didn’t even choose in the end, he went with someone else, proposed, then broke up with her on national TV & THEN chose one of the other girls. I get that girls love to watch it for the drama, or the fantasies that they have about the bachelor of the season, but come on ladies… we all know they go on that show to get famous. Well that’s what I believe anyways... 

I would rather spend my time watching other TV shows like Revenge or American Horror Story. Both are so good by the way… If you haven’t seen them, you need to!! They have all of the seasons on Netflix and I have watched both!! I’m excited to have some time off during the holidays here soon where I can just sit on my butt and watch Netflix shows J Yes, that is what I like to do in my down time!! Lately, Blaze and I have been watching Dexter… I have already seen the whole show but that is definitely a show I am willing to re-watch!! I was sad when it ended!!

Alright well that’s all that I have today! If I find any other spoilers, I will definitely let yall know!!


Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Time

That's right!!! You can try to take Christ out of CHRISTmas, but at the end of the day, Jesus really is the reason for the season!!!!

Christmas is slowly approaching and I’m getting excited. I was thinking about Christmas the other day, and I feel as though people slowly are forgetting what this time is really supposed to be about. Everyone gets so caught up in the gifts and buying people the perfect Christmas present, when we already have been given the perfect present, Jesus. People and our society have put so much pressure on gifts and objects that it seems as though the original reason we even celebrate Christmas gets hidden under all of that nonsense.

Growing up, I always looked forward to Christmas. Every year we had a Christmas Eve service at church. The church was decorated so pretty inside and you walked in and the lights were dimmed and everyone grabbed a candle. The whole church would get in one big circle and start lighting the candles one by one and as we were doing that, we would sing Christmas songs. It was so pretty to watch and be a part of. Some years, they would do Christmas skits on the story of Jesus’ birth and they were always cute (I think I was in it one year). Christmas day was always such a joy to me because we would wake up and go to my grandparents’ house where I got to see my entire family, we would eat, watch the cowboys’ game & just spend time together. Yes, there were presents but as I got older, I didn’t care as much what I got, I just looked forward to being with my family!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dress Shopping

Got to thinking about dress shopping since we are going in a couple weeks. I really really like the lace dress idea with boots! I think that would be super cute for our wedding. Our wedding is going to be rustic themed with all of the guys wearing cowboy boots and I am having all of my girls wear them too! I want to do a short dress for sure, just not positive on what color or style though. I really like some chiffon dresses as well as the lace dresses. Lace dresses seem harder to find though I have noticed! If any of yall have tips on where to look, PLEASE let me know!! I am really leaning towards turquoise--like a pastel version. The more I see purple, I really like that too (which is weird because I am not usually a fan of purple at all!!) Then I also like the pastel pink just because it will be summer time! If I get brave enough to do it, I have been thinking about having the girls wear different colors but have the same dress. Who knows. I do know that they will have white bouquets since it is simple and classy and it goes with everything!! But I guess we will see December 27 what dress idea I go with!!

I found some dresses (without looking at the prices first) of different dress ideas that I really like. I ranked them in order of my favorites!! What do you think??

bridesmaid lace dresses

Monday, December 9, 2013

Weekend Update

So this past weekend was pretty low key for once!! It was kind of nice for a change since we have been busy busy lately. Friday night, Blaze had some baseball stuff to do so I went to dinner with the other baseball coach's wives!! We went to this little Mexican food place that I had never heard of! It was good to finally get some girl time! Saturday, I finally got to sleep in past 7!! It was very much needed!! Lots of good football games were on but of course, Blaze can't just relax on a weekend so we drove out to New Orleans to go to the gun show. Let's just say, Louisiana gun shows are so so tiny compared to a Texas. Usually it takes forever to walk through a gun show because there are so many people but this one took us maybe 45 mins? Blaze did get some goodies though! On our way home, Blaze just had to stop for some froyo!! (He's addicted) but we eventually got home and did some major cleaning!! Very nice to have a clean home!! Sunday, we went to church and then ran some errands trying to figure out what we are going to get people for Christmas!! It's so crazy that Christmas is only 16 days away!! And we will be home in 13 days for two whole weeks!! But anyways, we just lounged around the house and then worked out last night!! Luckily today has gone by a little faster than normal Mondays!! I hope y'all all had a great & safe weekend!! 


Friday, December 6, 2013


One// Only 19 days until CHRISTMAS!!! I am excited—it’s my favorite time of the year! Christmas is a little more stressful this year because having 4 Christmas’ and trying to make all of them is tough!! But I love Christmas day food at my grandparents’ house (that is what I am secretly looking forward to)

Two// We are looking at new cars to get by New Year’s Eve. It is tough because there are so many cute SUVs out there now a days! We are leaning towards the GMC Terrain! I think it is super cute! I just hate giving up my super cheap monthly car payment!! But I am planning on keeping this car for a long while (According to Blaze)

Three// 3 weeks from today, I will get to see most of my bridesmaids because we are going dress shopping!! (For them) I haven’t seen some of them in so so long! It will be fun to get all of them together at once. It might get a little crazy, but I am praying that we can find their dresses in one try!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

It's Almost Christmas Time

Since it is the first week of December, everyone is talking about Christmas. At work, we are taking our Christmas card picture tomorrow, at home we have been talking about presents, all the houses are decorated, Christmas music is on the radio etc. I love this time of year because most people seem the happiest!! The only thing that I dislike is the traffic... everywhere!! It takes me longer to get home lately.

I found out today that I get to work out of the Dallas office for two weeks over Christmas break. I am kind of excited for that, change in scenery.. And that means Blaze and I will be home for two weeks with friends and family! Boy do we have a busy two weeks though. Christmas eve and Christmas day are busy with family stuff.. I get to have a day with most of my bridesmaids on that Friday to watch them try on dresses, then we are going out to Sweetwater to visit his family for the weekend and to hunt (which I'm excited about), Car shopping on New Years Eve... and work some in all of that mix!! 

With everyone talking about gifts... I found some of the cutest gifts on Etsy!! Take a look at that website if you don't usually--Cheap and SUPER cute gift ideas on there!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Favorite Engagement Pictures

With our engagement photos being less than a month away… I decided to look for some engagement pictures that are my favorites!! I don’t know why but I love looking on Pinterest for cute engagement picture ideas or ideas for outfits!! I guess it is an easy way of shopping instead of me trying to come up with different ideas in my head on my own. We are thinking that we will try to do 3 different outfits for our session. We are doing them in the stockyards, which is where our reception will be held, so it will be neat!  I’ve seen pictures of people that did engagements down there and they are so so pretty!! I’m hoping that the stockyards area will have a bunch of Christmas lights everywhere (since we are taking our pictures after Christmas) and we can do our pictures at a time where it is light out at first but gets dark so we can see all of the lights!

So I am completely in love with winter engagement photos!! I’m talking about the ones with lots of snow in them!! I’m so jealous of those people who A. live where it snows and B. get to take engagement photos in the actual snow!! It just makes for gorgeous pictures!! I found a few of my favorites to show y’all what I would do IF I lived somewhere where is actually snowed!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Most thankful for...

Since it's the holidays and everyone always posts what they are most thankful for, it has made me really think about some things that I've noticed. I've seen people say they are thankful for their pets and family and spouses and children.. but there is one thing that really confuses me. 

Growing up in a Christian home, I have always been taught that after you get married and have kids, the most important things in life should first be your relationship with God, secondly your relationship with your husband or wife and the lastly, your relationship with your kids. Without a solid relationship with God, your relationship with your husband/wife will be rocky, and with a rocky marriage, your kids will pick up on it and that is not a good example for them to see. But what irritates me is that I continue to see women obsessed with their kids... It makes me wonder--what about your husband?? Before those kids came along you used to seem so in love with him, but when you have kids, all you do is post pictures about how so in love with your kids you are. I know, most people reading this are probably thinking, Wait, you don't have kids how would you even know what it's like? You're right, I don't have kids, but I couldn't imagine ever loving my child more than my husband, because without my husband, those kids wouldn't have been able to exist. Without my husband, my children wouldn't have a solid family, without my husband, I would be alone and have no support system. It just bugs me to see people list what they are thankful for and say "I'm thankful for my kids, family, friends and husband"... why can't you put your husband first? Maybe that is what is wrong if you are having fights in your home, or your husband seems distant. He is probably thinking why should I have to fight for attention when it should be given gladly. 

Blaze and I were talking about it in the car yesterday. I told him I just couldn't imagine ever putting our kids over us. Yes that might sound selfish but we live our lives not even putting each other first, we put God first in our every day lives and will in our marriage. Without God, we could not be whole beings. He brought us together and I will always thank him for that. We always say that when we have kids, we will love them unconditionally, but we will always put us, as husband and wife, first. Our jobs as parents, is to help them grow and guide them in the right directions. To teach them and help them grow into their own person so that they can someday move away from home and start their own lives just like we all did with our parents. After they leave, what do you have left? Your husband. Now think, if you focus all of your attention and love into your kids, who end up leaving after 18 years, how will it be to be alone again with your husband (if you are still married)? Probably not very good. I told him that growing up, I always felt that my dad put his relationship with my step mom over us kids. I'm not saying that he didn't care for us or anything--he gave us everything and loved us so much. I just always wondered why he did put more effort and attention on his marriage, and that it never made sense until I got older. He was just doing what he was supposed to. Putting God first, then his marriage and then us kids. 


I know everyone lives their life different, but just think about it when you think about what you are truly thankful for. Try and put your husband first for a change if you normally don't. 

Hope yall had a great thankgiving! Have a great weekend! 


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Favorite Thanksgiving Dishes

Since Thanksgiving is only two days away.. I have been thinking about all of my favorite dishes that I look forward to every year! I love that my family usually has the same dishes every year.. sometimes there are new dishes that someone gets brave to try and make!! I'm not very brave when it comes to trying new food/dishes though. I usually stick with what I like and don't branch out!! I know, weird!! 

So of course the main thing that I love about Thanksgiving is the TURKEY!! I only eat the white meat of turkey--I think it's the best! I like the traditional turkey recipe!

Then there is the Corn Casserole. I love cheesy corn casserole!! I have even tried a recipe with chopped jalapenos in there.. so so good!

Everyone LOVES good ol Mashed Potatoes!! I really like when there is some garlic added in there!! Gives it an extra touch of goodness!! Yum
Perfect Mashed Potatoes Recipes......

Monday, November 25, 2013

It's only Monday...

It's Thanksgiving week!! I know everyone is excited about that. I'm excited about all of the food we are going to get to eat this week! We get 3 Thanksgivings.. one Wednesday night and then 2 on Thanksgiving day! It shall be a good time!

Hopefully everyone had a great weekend. Ours was very eventful... or at least on Saturday it was. We went to the A&M/LSU game, which I am actually sad that A&M lost.. While watching the game, we didn't ever know what to say because they definitely were not playing like their normal selves. Very frustrating
The 54 Best Animated GIFs Of 2012
And it didn't help that it was freezing and rainy. Super cold, but we definitely had a good time!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Five

One// Today is a special day to me. One year ago on 11/22/12, it was thanksgiving and I met this wonderful guy who is now my fiancé!! Blaze has been such a blessing in my life and continues to be every day!! So glad I decided to meet him at his uncles bar thanksgiving night!!

Two// We are going to see Catching Fire tonight!! I am SUPER excited. I didn’t think that we would be able to get tickets, but Blaze got on last night and they were still available!! I guess Louisiana people aren’t as into Hunger Games as much as Texas people!! (I’ve heard it’s sold out back home)

Three// Tomorrow we are going up to Baton Rouge for the A&M vs. LSU football game!! I am definitely going to root for A&M just because

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A day in my life..

Sitting here on this chilly Tuesday morning, doing nothing like usual, I have lots and lots of time to think. Think about wedding stuff, shopping, Christmas, missing texas, how to get a new job, starting my own business, how I miss the cold weather, the football game this Saturday... Need I continue?? Lol most people are excited to start a new job right?? You think you're going into a new, exciting job and you'll be trained for a few weeks to a month until you are finally set free on your own. Well not this girl.. I have been working here for about 6 weeks now and guess how much I've done.. Not really anything. My typical morning includes getting to work around 8:30-8:45.. Checking my personal emails, google chats start with my mom, maybe get on Pinterest or play some candy crush.. Read some articles so I can tell myself I'm keeping up with the worldly news (just in case my dad calls and asks). I mean hey, most of y'all probably are thinking "why are you complaining?? You're getting paid on salary to do that??" Well don't think that.. Fantasizing about homes I'll never have or a wedding that would bankrupt my parents gets old after awhile!! You can only do that for so long until you take a step back and ask yourself what am I doing?? How did I end up here?? No one in life truly prepares

Sunday, November 17, 2013

So many ideas!!

Hope yall all had a great weekend!! I know that I did!! 

Friday we had a date night! We went to the best pizza place.. it took a little bit to get our food but it was definitely worth it!! Saturday was Blaze's last game of the fall, which went really well. We went to about 10-15 mins of the football game then went a did a little shopping and got dinner!! Today he had to go to New Orleans to go work a camp! But I'm so thankful for getting to spend all weekend together for once!! Blaze works so hard for our family and I am super grateful for everything that he does!! Without him, I would definitely be a train wreck lately!! He is definitely the rock that I need and I am so very very blessed that God has brought us together!! :) He treats me like a princess and goes above and beyond to make me happy! Such a sweet hubs-to-be!! :)

On another note-- 

I have also been looking for ideas of center pieces for the reception!! I have found so many cute ideas that I don't know how I am supposed to choose!! Ahhh.. too many decisions. I am excited to get started on planning over

Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday Five

One// 13 days until my favorite holiday!! Food galore... we get three different Thanksgiving’s this year! My mom and stepdad do their Thanksgiving on Wednesday night, then his family is early Thanksgiving Day for lunch and then my dad and stepmom are doing theirs that night!! I think we might attempt to go Black Friday shopping (I’ve never been) but I’ve seen some good deals on things people won’t be fighting for lol

Two// I think I am obsessed with Kacey Musgraves cd… I have listened to it all week on repeat! And I have her as my Pandora station!! If you haven’t listened to her music, do it!! You’ll fall in love too!

Three// Tonight is date night! I’m excited... because it is much needed as Blaze has been super busy ever since last Friday!! I’m glad he will be getting a break soon so we can actually

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Morning Rambles

So I LOVE Christmas time... It is definitely my favorite time of year. We don’t have a Christmas tree yet and I’ve been trying to find one that won’t cost us a fortune!! I've actually found some good deals—Target has trees for $50 (if you want to string lights yourself) or if you want a pre-lit tree, they have one for $100!! So cheap... especially when you look at Hobby Lobby and their trees are at minimum $250!! As long as you have a decent looking tree, you can make it pretty with the decorations!! Don’t get me wrong, I would love to get one of those Christmas trees that are super fluffy and 9 ft. tall... but that would cost me probably around $1500!! I remember last year, my step-mom got the BEST deal on a tree. I think it was regularly priced around $800 but since the warranty had expired on the lights, they marked it down to like $200 (if that). It was awesome!! Then we spent more on decorations!! 

I found some of my favorite Christmas

Monday, November 11, 2013

Weekend Update

It's everyone's favorite day of the week again... I hate Monday's with a passion. I always seem to get horrible sleep Sunday nights and I think I was worried about Blaze driving home in the middle of the night from Dallas. Bad combination!

This weekend was fun, two of my best friends came down to visit. Friday, right before I was about to leave to go to the airport, I got a text from Courtney saying they were going to miss their flight because she left her ID at home.. crazy girl! They ended up getting on another flight luckily!! We went to dinner Friday night down on Bourbon Street. It was crazy because I had no idea that the cowboys/saints game was this weekend. 

Saturday we woke up and lounged around. I took them to the one donut store in town (which is awesome). I'm pretty sure they enjoyed that lol Thibodaux was having a little fair type thing downtown that we decided to go and walk around. It was fun.. I haven't made it to any boutiques in

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday Five

one// Blaze will be gone this weekend.. he hasn't left for a whole weekend in awhile. I will definitely miss him but I know he's going to make money this weekend so it's alright!! See you Sunday love!!

two// The weather here in southern Louisiana is definitely unpredictable!! Two days ago, it was 83 degrees, humid & rainy.. typical day down here. Yesterday it was chilly all day and then today, I went outside this morning and it was super cold! I love the cold but I hate the weather bouncing around like this. It is only a matter of time before I get a sinus infection!

three// We have only 18 more days until Thanksgiving break!! I love the holidays. This year will be super special because I wont have seen my family in over 3 months. Even though it will be super busy for us that

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday

It’s that time again... My favorite day. HUMP DAAAYYY!

I love Wednesdays only because it marks that I've made it half way through the week. Only two more days left until the weekend! Thursdays usually go by pretty quick and Fridays go back really quick just because we get off at 3. Who knew getting off just two hours early could make me so happy?

So Blaze is leaving me this weekend to go back to Dallas (which I am super jealous) BUT I am still excited because Courtney and Lauren will be here! I think the timing of their arrival is perfect just because of some of the struggles that I am going through being away from friends and family. So we will get the ultimate girls weekend! I see some wedding planning going on… what what!

Then just two short weeks later, we are going to the A&M vs LSU football game up in Baton Rouge! And
then we will be ...

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekend Update

So this weekend went by WAY too fast once again.. but it's okay because it was a good one!

Friday night Blaze had to work late so I went to the store, got me a new bottle of wine and some dinner! I had a night to myself at the house with the dogs and chloe! He got home and I had already passed out... last week wore me out at work!!   Saturday we went north of Baton Rouge for a baseball camp that he had to work! I've never been through Baton Rouge so it was neat finally seeing it! I attempted to go shopping but typical me, I didn't like anything that I tried on.. Fail on my part. We gained an extra hour last night but that didn't stop us from the dogs waking us up at 6:45!! We got alot of cleaning done and then I went to watch their scrimmage. Who knew that you could get sunburned in NOVEMBER!!??? Well this girl definitely got some sun.

I am super excited about the next few weeks. My two best friends, Lauren and Courtney, are flying

Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday Five

one// I found out last friday, when it was 4:50, that on Friday's we get to leave at 3.. wish someone would have told me that sooner so I could have left at 3 instead of 5!! But no worries.. i WILL be leaving work today at 3!! 

two// ONE MORE WEEK untill my two bestest friends are in Louisiana!! I can't wait! Super excited to see them.. it's been forever it feels like!! Blaze will be gone next weekend so it will just be us 3!! Going to New Orleans is definitely on the schedule.. and I'm sure a little wedding planning! :)

three// Tomorrow I get to go with Blaze to some workout all day.. Haven't been to one of those in awhile it

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It's Almost Hump Day

Well it's week number 3 here at work.. I don't really have much to do yet (which kind of gets boring) but hey.. I guess I can't complain too much.. I have a job and I am getting paid!
Lately we have been battling certain thoughts and decisions in our life and of course, the way the Big Man upstairs works, he gave me a bible study that was exactly about that.
The verse said.
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye"
-Psalm 32:8
Underneath the given verse, there is always a small story given-- the famous baseball player Yogi Berra once said that his favorite quote is "when you come to the fork in the road, take it." He said

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday Five

One// I am finishing my second week of work today! It's getting better day by day!  Slowly getting the hang of things so that is good. This week went by a lot faster than last week. 

Two// I am trying to find pretty invitations for the wedding that aren't $1000 lol. I think it's crazy what people will spend on paper. When I hear that people spend so much because it "sets the tone for your wedding".. I think it's a crock!! People who know me know that I don't care about the little details.. It's all about the big picture-- THE RECEPTION (and the dress)!! 

Three// I know that every family has issues and seems distinctional in their own way.. I just really wish mine would get their crap together. I am really looking forward to going home for the holidays now that I don't see them all the time. But then I remember.. 'Oh yea.. My family can't be around each other without drama' .. Brother doesn't talk to mom.. Brother doesn't talk to brother.. Crazy ass sister in law... May I continue?? Thank God for Blaze's family!! Love them to death! 

Four// Blaze recently told me what he's getting me for Christmas.. A hunting now!! I'm excited about it and that he told me.. I hate surprises! (A lot) I have to get sized before we get it so that's the ONLY reason he told me.. So don't get mad that I know!! 

Five// I've been following this couple that graduate from Texas Tech recently.. They have a young, beautiful baby girl who has a failing heart and needed to get a heart transplant. They found out this morning that her blood won't accept a donor heart and can no longer be on the transplant list. This story has been so heartbreaking to follow just because I can not begin to even image how they feel or what they are going through thinking everyday could be their last with their baby girl. Her name is London and she needs probably the biggest miracle to happen in her life. So as you all go on with your weekend, whether it's being with your own family.. Partying.. Going to the football game.. Whatever it may be, just keep them in your prayers as they really need it right now. And just remember to be extra thankful for your loved ones who are strong and healthy.. I feel like sometimes we take all of that for granted and don't realize how easy we have it. Just a thought. 

Have a great weekend!! It's almost Halloween!! 

Lovely Lambert

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Two for Tuesday

I can finally sit down and relax tonight! We just got back from the gym.. yes we work out together! If it wasn't for Blaze, I wouldn't ever lift weights.. but I have become friends with weights in the past few months thanks to him.. I even started taking protein shakes. I know.. shocker right?

Anywho.. my mom, stepmom and I have been talking wedding planning lately (we are finally getting closer to planning mode). I have been going back and forth of what theme I want to go with for the wedding.. dressy or more casual... classy or rustic.. ahh questions. Blaze thought about wearing starched jeans and cowboy boots with a blazer so I was thinking.. Great I could have my girls wear a cute lace dress and that would be super cute. Well now I think he is wanting to go with grey suits and suspenders! (dork) So I think I can get my dresses narrowed down from one of the last posts where I had all kinds of dresses to choose from. So I will try and narrow that down and post some pictures of my favorites later! I also have been trying to find the right centerpieces..who would've known this much effort goes into planning a wedding.. so many details! I LOVE the rustic look for centerpieces but at the same time I love the candles and more romantic look. I have some pictures of my favorite examples that I have seen lately online.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Weekend Update

Well I was going to write a post on Friday but when I got home from work, I found out our internet isn't working and won't be fixed until Thursday!!! So apologies on that!!

So last week was my first week of work! It went well, everyone is so nice, and getting to wear jeans and be comfortable isn't a bad perk either!! Hopefully next week it picks up though because it was kinda slow since I'm still getting used to things! 

Friday night we went on a little date night which was nice! Blaze has been super busy this past week so we haven't seen each other as much as usual.. Life of a coach I guess they say! 

Saturday it decided to rain (what's new) so his day of practice got cancelled and we got to spend all day together again! Blaze has a slight obsession with froyo so we went and got some for lunch!! His head coach had us over to watch some of the Nicholls State game and then we went to Cabellas yesterday evening! 

Blaze told me the other day that he was going to get me a hunting bow for Christmas because I've been talking about it for months!! So we looked at those last night. Makes me super excited to get into that for our next journey in life!! 

Today I got woken up from roofer next door hammering and blaring music at 9AM!!! I was not a happy camper!! My one day to try and sleep in.. But on a better note, I went to let the dogs out and it feels absolutely amazing outside!! Blaze's baseball team is playing a game between themselves today so I'm planning on going to watch that and then clean and go grocery shopping!! 

Hope all of y'all had a great weekend!! 

Lovely Lambert

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday Update

So I started my new job today.. it was a slow day as I was trying to get the hang of the office and how everything happens. Very overwhelming with lots of information given to me at once.. I definitely needed to sit down when I got home, which is where I am now writing this! The people are all very nice and helpful!! The office was FREEZING cold though.. definitely going to need a jacket tomorrow!! 

So I was thinking today about actually pursuing my PhD in math and while I had some down time at work, I decided to look into it at LSU. I saw that they had have a great program and decided to email the department about whether you needed a masters first or if you could just go straight for your PhD. Well they emailed me back very quickly excited that I was interested and gave me a ton of information. They said most people go into the PhD program with their bachelors and get their masters along the way.. they also showed me that being enrolled in the PhD program, that one can do school full time, while getting a salary AND being exempt from tuition. This all just sounds too good to be true or it's

Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Friday

It's that time again.. FRIDAY! 

ONE// Today is my little brothers birthday and he turns 14 today!! I still cant believe it.. I always look at him and remember that cute little, chubby, cute 4 year old! Where has time gone?? He amazes me everyday of the young man he is turning into! He made straight A's his first six week of 8th grade in almost all honors classes!! I definitely hope he keeps on this path that he is on! The other day he told me he took a purity pledge to wait until he is married to have sex.. and he even wanted the purity ring! Then he tells me about how he wants to go on a mission trip to Haiti! How awesome is that?? Most 14 year old boys have their minds elsewhere while he is focused on school, football and church! I love it!

TWO// Blaze is being sneaky lately telling me he is going to get me a gift for getting a job! (which I start this next Tuesday) But he won't tell me what it is.. all I know is that it is from Bed Bath & Beyond.. hmmm sneaky boy is up to no good! :) haha

THREE// I have really come to miss dishwashers.. the rent house we are in for the next 10 months has NO dishwasher. Let me tell you, washing every dish by hand gets so old so quick! I can't wait until we can buy our own house next summer so I can make sure there is a dang dishwasher!! So all of you ladies who have dishwashers (which is probably all of  you).. BE THANKFUL! haha

FOUR// I've been trying to grow my hair out for our wedding next August. it's been a struggle but I think it is finally growing! I've been taking biotin everyday and trying to not blow-dry and straighten my hair. Down here it is easy to not do your hair because of the humidity.. but I think biotin actually works! A friend told me she takes biotin and prenatal vitamins, which a lot of my sorority sisters said they took those back in college to make their hair grow too but I was always skeptical to take those.. well I caved because I am that desperate and I think it is actually working!! My hair has been growing quicker.. so hopefully by August it will be super long again! 

FIVE// I secretly can't wait to do the wedding cake tasting even though I've tried them already since Blaze's sister is doing them. I LOVE cupcakes and that's what we are doing for my wedding cake.. yay! 

Hope yall all have a GREAT weekend! 


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

It's Wednesday Again.

So it's my favorite day of the week again!! I think it is secretly because of that camel/hump day commercial.

I was looking at my countdown app today and saw that there are less than 30 days until my two best friends come visit me!! I am SUPER excited.. it has been WAY too long since I have seen either of them and we have so much to catch up on!! And I just miss being crazy with those two!! I'm not sure what we are going to do yet but I know going to New Orleans is definitely on the menu! Blaze will also be gone that weekend so it will be the ultimate girls weekend! (Even though I'm secretly jealous of Blaze because he just so happens to be recruiting in Dallas that weekend!)


The second thing on my countdown app is 48 days until we go back to Texas for Thanksgiving weekend!! I am beyond excited!! Food, family, friends, football, shopping.. anything else that needs to be mentioned?? Hopefully a little wedding planning.. crossing my fingers! Thanksgiving is definitely my second favorite holiday (behind Christmas) and Blaze LOVES Thanksgiving.. so just thinking about all of the food and people we are going to visit/see that weekend is fun to look forward to! I am just excited to have our first Thanksgiving as an engaged couple with our families! It will be fun! I was telling him the other day that I need to start looking at fun recipes because we now have to bring a dish to all of the different Thanksgivings we go to. I will say that with the holidays right around the corner, I need to step up my workout game because of all the eating that is going to take place.. 


I think I am going to find some different recipes and try them out and let you guys know how it turned out within the next couple weeks! Give yall something exciting to read.. because I know everyone LOVES food! :)

Well hope yall all had a G-R-E-A-T Wednesday!! 


Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday Ramblings!

So over the weekend, I was lucky enough to have my man home!! I was super excited about that! We got to spend good, quality time together, which is rare.. so I was super excited!! 

friday// After he got off work, we went up to Hooters and met two of his coach buddies. It was their 30th anniversary so we got free cake (I was excited). We usually go to Hooters if he is home to watch whatever sports game happens to be on that night! I like it because at our Hooters, it's ladies night so I always get two for one drinks!! Woohoo!

saturday// had an early morning because Blaze had to go up to work for practice and I cleaned around the house (which I am getting pretty good at by the way). After practice, we just got to hang out all day and do nothing together which was fun! We are trying to catch up on Breaking Bad because we are so far behind so we watched probably 5 episodes until he decided to fall asleep! We rented two movies, World War Z and The Great Gatsby! They were both great movies.. I will say, my anxiety was crazy while watching World War Z.. crazy movie!! 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Random Thoughts on Thursday

So since moving to Louisiana, I have learned a few things... 

1.. it rains alot.. and I mean ALOT! Living close to the gulf doesn't help but I never knew it would rain this much here. It has rained almost everyday this week! I am hoping for a nice, rain free weekend!! Crossing my fingers!

2.. It is really difficult to try and find healthy restaurants around here. Blaze and I have decided that we need a date night out at least once a week. So when we go out it's hard to try new places because everything here is fried and greasy! Don't get me wrong, the food here is amazing, like the fried shrimp, gator and all of that.. but us healthy people cant handle eating that kind of food! 


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

So I've been slacking with writing new posts this past week!! My weekend was more exciting than I was expecting it to be. Blaze was still out of town but it was homecoming here at Nicholls State, so I went to a late tailgate with some girls I have met down here and then to the game. Afterwards we all went over to one of the baseball coach's house and hung out and ended up playing an intense game of catch phrase.. you know you're getting old when you play catch phrase on a Saturday night and have fun with it! haha Blaze got home LATE sunday night and brought me a surprise home.. NEW SHOES! :) I definitely have the best fiance! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy Friday

one // Blaze is out of town all weekend so I am hoping to do crafty things around the house this weekend until he gets home!!

two // I have been looking up different ideas for honeymoon trips and I have a lot of neat ideas. I can't narrow it down to just a couple places yet because they all seems so fun! I am really interested in going to Europe because people keep telling me you are only young with no kids for so long!! :)

three // I have a guilty pleasure that my family has given me crap for my whole life, and that is that I love to watch Jerry Springer.. I'm not too sure why. I think it is so funny and I'm sure that it is all staged but it is so funny!! The one this morning that I am watching is called.. "Im gay but please have my baby".. this stuff is just too good to NOT watch hahah 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday Update

Sooo.. my man left me for the remainder of the week!! Super sad about that. He had to go on the longest recruiting trip of the year.. and I am left at the house with the dogs and cat for the week! Hopefully I wont go too stir crazy in this house alone and I can be productive. Hopefully I can get ahold of the other coaches wives this weekend and get together with them if they arent busy!! Us gals have to stick together!!

Thinking about what to cook this week is difficult though because it is never easy to cook for one person, especially a person who doesn't like left overs!! I guess I will have to figure it out and maybe go get me a couple of new bottles of wine to try out!! Rent some girly or scary movies since I cant get Blaze to watch them with me... EVER! hahah. I am really going to miss him this week!! I get so spoiled seeing him almost everyday!!

I've been looking at different bridesmaid dress ideas and have come up with a couple that I really really like!! Since it is an August wedding, the color scheme has changed from what I wanted to do (since those work in the winter time) Here are a couple of pictures of the ideas I am really leaning towards..

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Weekend Update

So I lucked out this weekend because instead of being home alone all weekend, Blaze luckily (for me) was home!! All of his recruiting trips got cancelled due to the rain!! Friday night we had a mini date night and went to dinner and got a redbox! 

I thought he was going to be gone Saturday but his trip got cancelled, so instead we went and worked out together and came home and lounged around for awhile. I ended up meeting up with the other coaches wives and went to the game while he went to the game with the coaches! It was fun because about 15 min into the game it started raining. Us ladies chickened out and went back to one of their houses, drank some wine, and played a crazy game of catch phrase... it got intense! After the game was over, the girls decided to give me a mini bachelorette party with Blaze and the guys in attendance! It was actually really fun. We went to a bar that ended up being kind of dead and then made our way to a karaoke bar! SUPER fun!! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Friday

No big plans this weekend except hanging out the house watching college football. Blaze was supposed to be in Texas this weekend recruiting but since it is apparently pouring rain there, it got cancelled and he will luckily be home tonight!! yay for that (for me at least :) ) 

So I updated my phone, along with the rest of the world, to ios7 and i love it! It is so different and kind of confusing but i like the layout and new features! Kind of neat!! Itunes radio is also pretty cool, I like it better than pandora right now! Gotta love Apple!! 

I dont think I mentioned that we got a new member of the family last weekend, she doesnt have a name yet, we keep just calling her 'cat' but she is CRAZY! Blaze thinks she is nuts, which is a pretty accurate statement to say the least, but she is super cute so that makes up for it right?? She follows me everywhere and then randomly disappears and I cant figure out where she goes haha

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

More Wedding Planning

This past weekend was a lonely one for me since my fiance had to go out of town for recruiting! So I took the opportunity to clean up around the house and then decided to do some wedding planning. I am trying to hold off on wedding planning since we still have about 10 months left until the big day... but it gets hard to look at stuff online! Since we are doing an August wedding, I have decided on my colors, light pink with navy blue and white! I have found the perfect bridesmaid dress that I am determined to find! It is a long chiffon light pink dress with a sweatheart neckline! So pretty! I have seen other pictures that make me think about doing the same dress but all pastel colors instead of them all having the same dress and color but we shall see what I end up choosing! I also already bought my wedding dress, which I think I was extremely lucky to have found the very first day (and only day) that I went to try on dresses! It is SO pretty and I cant wait to have my fitting, hopefully over Thanksgiving it will come in! I am super excited to show all my gal pals! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday

So this week has been a long one.. I definitely have been thinking God is testing me sometimes to see how strong I am. Luckily enough I have my wonderful fiance here to help me get through this week! (And a great bottle of wine). I dont know about yall but i LOVE me some wine.. i just wanted to share some of my favorites

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wedding Planning Wednesday

So as you all know, I am getting to marry the love of my life next year, August 2, 2014. I have been trying to hold off on planning because it is so far out and because of the move I have had a million other things to do... BUT I decided to order a bunch of free wedding invitations!! I noticed online the other day that you can get a ton of samples from different websites without paying a penny!! So guess what I did! Yep, ordered as many free samples as possible! Well they have all started coming in the mail the past couple days so I figured I would look at them to try and get an idea of what I want my invitations to look like!!

These are just a few of the different samples I could fit into the picture!! I tried to show Blaze some of them to get his opinion last night, and of course he didn't care haha... typical guy! 

On a better note, one of my BEST friends has booked her flight to come see me in November!! I am so excited... we can really start some wedding planning!! 

Thanks for listening!


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Settling in

So two Fridays ago, Blaze and I packed up our whole lives and moved to southern Louisiana, Thibodaux, for his new job! Things have been crazy ever since we moved.. go go go with little time to just relax. Well luckily Labor Day weekend was this past weekend! We had a football day all day Saturday. The other baseball coaches came over and we watched college football and ate... all day! SO fun! My parents came in town all the way from Midlothian (8 hour drive). Sunday we went to do a swamp tour at Zam's Swamp Tour in Kraemer, LA. It was the best southern fried food we have eaten so far!

 We still arent used to this whole Louisiana accent yet but it is fun to listen to! We just hope that when we come back to Texas for holidays, that we don't sound like that ;)

I saw the cutest sign in the shop after the swamp tour.. 
